
"Dan Dialah yang menurunkan air dari langit, lalu kami tumbuhkan dengan air itu segala macam tumbuh-tumbuhan, maka Kami keluarkan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan itu tanaman yang menghijau, Kami keluarkan dari tanaman yang menghijau itu butir yang banyak; dan dari mayang kurma, mengurai tangkai yang menjulai, dan kebun-kebun anggur, dan (Kami keluarkan pula) zaitun dan delima yang serupa dan yang tidak serupa. perhatikanlah buahnya pada waktu berbuah, dan menjadi masak. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang yang beriman"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

aku ke sekolah- part 2

hari ni result kluar...
tapi x leh nak bukak website uia tercinta...
eton yg tolong tengok kan result...boleh la...biasa2 aja
so, kita update blog!

nak tulis pasal sekolah lagi..haha
but, before that, i would like to congratulate a best friend of mine; nur syahidda who just married to one Faizal. selamat pengantin baru.. semoga bahtera perkahwinan akan berlayar di lautan kehidupan dengan selamat dan bahagia...hingga ke akhir nanti...ameen

now, i proceed with my current business- teaching!
today, i have to teach 3 classes. for the last teaching hour, i entered 2 USAHA.
a very challenging class i would say so...
really have to berusaha hard in order to control some 'talented students' in the class.

i gave them some works from the exercise book as i will be calling students to return their exam papers..
but, they (some) keep showing their talents...and...
today, i failed to control them and even myself.
i even want to cry and walk away from the class...
but, i still can berfikir secara waras thus remained in the class.
sitting and watching them played around the class.

alhamdulillah, ust deen suddenly appeared and he take charge.
uhhu. what a relife..
i continued calling names to distribute the exam paper...

Monday, April 19, 2010

aku ke sekolah

i am currently teaching at sek ren. setiawangsa, replacing an ustazah who is on leave till 28 mei 2010 for giving birth to her beautiful baby. hmm, i teach pendidikan islam. standard 2, 5 classes. 2A, 2D, 2G, 2U and 2S... nice and interesting boys and girls.

mula2, quite a difficult task- i believe it is so. very tiring and challenging. haha. it was a very blur situation and i don't know how to effectively communicate and deal with those lovely, potential and brilliant young students.

first day- balik dari sekolah dan sampai pada jam 8.15pm, light off at 9 pm. haha....

second day, i had to do some homework n at the same time, logged on to the FB. initially, i intended to ring umi but, due to the 'research', the plan went unenforce.. uhuh, alhamdulillah fortunately, while busying doing the research, umi contacted me via the FB's chat. haha, what a coincident. we chat-chatting and i told her "it is difficult to control students...they keep playing while i was 'delivering the lectures' ". umi- who i adore her knowledge and experience- said: you could try to use story telling's method and even singing.. pupils who are at the age of standard 2 love to sing and hear stories."

third day- i tried and it worked! love umi very much. muah!

Monday, April 5, 2010

langkah ku

aku on9 dan tiba2,

"salam kak, dah study CP?"
"salam alaik, belum, haha"
"saya x study satu ape pun, frust. saya minta clash dan saya frust. dia x marah saya pun. tapi saya sedih sebab dia sangt frust. kak, saya x pergi pun interview PTD tadi"
"sabar, be strong dan banyk berdoa. insyaAllah akan diganti dengan yg lebih baik"
"aha, saya kene kuat, saya doa jodoh kami akan bersama jua"
"insyaAllah, ada jodoh x kemana. awak kene bagi clarification supaya dia faham dan dia akan kuat"

haha, i asked her to be strong to clarify all matters...but me myself, keep isolating avoiding and refusing to meet this one person who i claimed to hurt my attempt to seek for any clarification...what a pity poor asma'.

i just have to reflect and learn from all things that are around me...

1) the recent movies that i watch; love happens and the blind side... they are full of values that can motivate asma' to move forward and be a better person. to forget and forgive. to do good to other. ect.
2) the last page of quran that you recite today- alhujurat: 5-11. the ayah really reflect your situation. one of them, Allah says "sesungguhnya arg2 mukmin itu bersaudara, krn itu damaikanlah antara kedua saudaramu (yg berselisih) dan bartakwalah kpd Allah agar kamu mendapat rahmat". i need His rahmah. the person need that too. so, if we remain in this situation, the rahmah will be noway near us...astagfirllah..
3) advices from two friends; yong, you are an adult. stop being like a small child. be rational....yong, you are acted unjust by punishing both yourself and that person this way, this is okay if you want to avoid that person but please, stop being like this. move on.
4) the chatting it self, i asked other to be strong so, i should be strong too...

we can love loves but it should be reasonable, otherwise, the sufferings is greater that the normal hurt. haha. take care to all us and you, the person who i loved very much.

hari-hari ku

teruknya kene 'dump' 
tido mcm tak nak bangun2
x nak jumpe sape2
no communication
serious x kuat

diizinkan, a good friend of mine tagged me in his note;
nama2 yg tidak akan dia dilupakan
it includes; orang yg pernah melukakan hati ect
haha, kalau aku, mesti aku x nak include name org yg pernah melukakan hati dalam list org yg tidak akan dilupakan..hahaha
cruel? revenge?
x elok sungguh...
smoga semuanya ok dgn segera..
lupakan dan just go on 

rasa macam kene hempap batu atas kepala bila satu isu yg x nak dibincangkan dibangkitkan jua...
don't know how and what to respond
people see it is wrong but in fact, they just do not know
yes they have no idea what soever, but they come to that conclusion because it is what they saw
forgive me. i am sorry 
please, just stop questioning...
there is some things that cannot be shared.. yet
when the time comes, insyaAllah us all will know the truth

a sister told me
"kak, kalau rasa 'something', try to read the stories of sahabah, insyaAllah ada banyak yg akk akan dapat."
i did
and masyaAllah, it is really helpful
the recent one, i read about abu ubaidah al-jarrah
he is an honest person, the prophet appointed him to be a judge in a village of an Christian society (well, the villagers asked the Prophet to send someone who can rule accordance to the principles of just and fairness) and even umar mentioned him as 'the man who is demanded by Islam' in one of his conversations with other sahabat.. last but not least, he killed his beloved father during a war between hisbul-Allah and hisbul-thaqhut (an ayah was revelled in consequence to that event) and, not forgetting, he lost his tooth because he used them to break the iron chain that was fixed to the Prophet in one of the wars...these stories really touched my heart.. he is a very truthful man and he sacrificed everything for Islam (i love my family and tooth very much-two important things in my life; obsess hahah)
so, prepare our iman well to answer any call that requires us to respond, in the name of Islam....

the interest of islam is always outweighed our personal interests, problems ect...