
"Dan Dialah yang menurunkan air dari langit, lalu kami tumbuhkan dengan air itu segala macam tumbuh-tumbuhan, maka Kami keluarkan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan itu tanaman yang menghijau, Kami keluarkan dari tanaman yang menghijau itu butir yang banyak; dan dari mayang kurma, mengurai tangkai yang menjulai, dan kebun-kebun anggur, dan (Kami keluarkan pula) zaitun dan delima yang serupa dan yang tidak serupa. perhatikanlah buahnya pada waktu berbuah, dan menjadi masak. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang yang beriman"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


 suatu masa dahulu,
seperti anak-anak kecil.

pada hari ini,
berjalan pantas,
takut ketinggalan,
mencari dan meneliti,
terluka dan gembira.

bersama hingga akhirnya,
dengan izin Nya,
ke husnul khotimah,
ke jannah,
atas rahmatnya.

Friday, December 25, 2009


ida's sister
and kak saibah

may Allah shower His bless and love to all of them.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


they are concealing something from me..
only my guess.. 
don't know why and what...

men, don't do this to me..
i am your big sister..

i know i am not a good sister..
but please..

sorry for not be able to be at home right now..
i am not selfish..
got things to be done here..

miss all of you.
to be treated nicely.
being sarcastic. 

i have defects..
i know that..

i am not perfect..
nobody is perfect..

loves and much more loves to be shared.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

i'm done

the examination is now officially ended. 
for my papers, hehehe...
hopefully everything pass...ameen
flying colours? 
in my dreams
a long dream

everybody are leaving.
my room-mates too
they went home.
safely, alhamdullih.

but, i am still here.
waiting. sitting.

a task that needs patient 
deep and deeper
much much more

may it bring good
though i seem to dislike it

Saturday, November 14, 2009


it makes me think
thinking about a thing
the thing that matter.

am i doing good?
am i conscious?
it is negative.

so please my sweet honey bunny
try to wake-up
work all the thing
make them something
something that is not nothing

a hope
His mercy
loves and helpsssss

to walk
to go through all the ways
bless fully


(examination period, 4th year, 1st semester, prior to the MCQ)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

convo 2009

2 muslimah t-shirts
2 books (puteri salsabilah and leftenan adnan)
no flowers for this year! so sad
but, Allah really loves me I believe...  finally He 'directed' a friend of mine to send me flowers... I am so happy...
my room looks nicer. hehe...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Alifah and I were arranging clean cloths. Suddenly, Alifah said, “I am bored!”
“Alifah, do you know that it is a sign of not being grateful (syukor) to Allah?” Umi who coincidently appeared from the kitchen stated the statement.
Alifah and I looked at each other. I am shock. I never think that way before. But, I agree with Umi and admitted that she was correct.
I added, “Yes, because every moment is actually a gift from Him. So, regardless whether we are joyful or otherwise, we must appreciate the event that we are in.”

Later, I keep thinking about the connection between the feeling of uninterested and thankful. I manage to lay down some reflections in cases of being tired of something.

1)       I prayed to become a person who is full with patience, so this is one of the processes that I have to go through or the value that I have to pay in instilling this virtue in my sole.

2)      Feeling bored is a chance to multiply the istighfar; asking forgiving from Allah who loves to forgive His servants. It is a gentle reminder from Him to remember Him.

3)       To enable us be more creative. It helps us to increase our creativity in coping with the situation.

4)      Any other ideas? Please don’t hesitate to share. Thank you very much.

balik raya, sedihnye

Hello, yong, when your holiday starts?

Today is the last day for classes, umi. Why?

Eh, so will you come home today la?

Eh, nope. I called you last week and asked your permission to stay in the campus for some days to celebrate the last ten days of Ramadan. You said okay kan umi.

No. no. I thought your break starts on the 18th of September, next week…. Since you got early release, you should come home early. Too many works to be done la yong.

Ala…umi, I asked you since last week lagi…. You said okay… hmm, okay la. But, right now I have to complete and submit my assignment, so, maybe tomorrow la I will go home insyaAllah…

That was a portion of my conversations with my mum. Before receiving the call, I was very happy because my mum seems to really understand my ‘dream’ to focus and enrich my days with worships during the last ten days of Ramadan. To give opportunities to me for the first time I think. But, unfortunately, no. It did not happen. I was quite upset. What came to my mind was that, ‘umi doesn’t really pay attention to what I said. Supposedly, umi should take note all my suggestion and in case if there is any “objection”, umi should tell me earlier.’

Well, now, as I am typing this entry, my thought is quite reasonable and the previous inner speech is now gone. It’s because; I realize that she needed hands in doing preparation for Eid. I was the only girl available at the moment. The one to be at home and helping umi in doing all the ‘domestic businesses’. Besides, her off started on the 16th September. On the top of that, nothing had been done yet. I believe that, that was written for me. We plan but He decides.

In the future, it is suggested that in order not to miss the special ten day of Ramadan, at least 70% of the preparation of Eid should be done before Ramadan itself comes. It is important in order to make ourselves free and available to enjoy our specific worships during the month of blessings. So, before Ramadan comes, all of my siblings should balik rumah and do the preparation.

Hmmm, but, this idea might be interesting upon me myself due to the environment of Ramadan available in the IIUM. How about my other family members? I now become conscious that I have a duty to share the knowledge and educate all of them in order to have a new outlook of Ramadan. It is not for the purpose of information but to really implement the spirit into reality.

But, HOW????

Saturday, September 5, 2009

ziarah ramadan

semalam, 5/9/2009, alhamdulillah beberapa orang kenalan dan saya telah diizinkan melawat sebuah keluarga. keluarga ini boleh dikatatan sebuah keluarga yang besar juga la....

pergi keluar 40 hari (tabliqh), pengumpul barang2 kitar semula
sabar orangnya. sentiasa mengendung anak bungsu sepanjang kami di sana

anak sulung, sedang tidur semasa kami datang melawat. umurnya x silap 15 tahun
kakak, anak ke-dua. sudah tidak menyambung pelajaran. membantu ibu di rumah
calon UPSR. selasa ini insyaAllah. sebelumnya duduk bersama nenek, baru pulang duduk bersama keluarga setelah neneknya pulang ke Rahmatullah
suka buat soduku. kebetual kami ada bawa 1 kompilasi soduku
pemalu betul orangnya. susah nak dengar suaranya. saya bersamanya bermain-main huruf, menulis dan melukis.
ceria. sangat menggembirakan hati kami. telatahnya memikat hati
nakal tapi bijak orangnya.
baby yang baik. x banyak ragam. baru 4 bulan.

Friday, August 28, 2009

pen drive vs. rambutan (biji)

sedAPnya rambutan...musim buah rambutan kat kg saya dah habis pun.. tak pe, insyaAllah diizinkan Allah kita akan diberikan peluang untuk menikmatinya di masa2 akan datang...ameen insyaAllah ade rezki nanti... lg pun skang ni bln puasa la...ramadan kareem to all

ok, as for now, i would like to share something with all my friends. a point to ponder and food for thought at this moment....

i was asked by a teacher; "which one is more amazing; a pen drive or a seed of rambutan?"
so my dear friends, what do you say?

hmmmm..... what came to my mind was that, pen drive is a product of technology. it is useful and most of us own it at least one. it appears to be quite amazing right..
while, the rambutan's seed seems to have less in significance, since after we finish eating the fruit surely we will trow away the seed, hmmm...but, i did recall that a rambutan tree come from its small seed..hehe

okay, it was mine but now my way of thinking is different after considering the explanation given by the teacher.

he emphasized on the similarity that shares by both objects. both keep and save data. however, the rambutan's seed is more incredible. it keeps data as to the flavour, colour, time when the tree will produce its fruit.. and on the top of that, i shows the wonderfulness of its creator; Allah the Almighty. so, by looking into the creature of Allah we should be able to reflect the greatness of Him..

to me, it really touches my heart. i was in the state of dryness for quite a period, but after listening to his talk, i felt more relief that before. much much more. maybe i was desperately, everything is more meaningful, colourful and i love it though it is only a temporary...may Allah guide us in everything we do.. ameen...

love what we have but love Him more... in any case and situation...k that all for now.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

my motto

i keep repeating this word in cases i am tired, down, busy, confuse and so on... the exact phrase of this so call motto is, "go Asma' goAsma'!, Allah sentiasa(always) tolong (helps)"..

this is a fruit of a short motivational course conducted by sister Wardah when i was in the 3rd year of study if i was not mistaken la...hehe.

actually, all participants were asked to spell out our motto to the whole class... i must admit that i had nothing in mind...but, after a few moments, the magic word came out from my mouth when my name was called.. but, before i mentioned them to the other people there, i was really shy...really. so it took time to actually tell the others. it was after many words of encouragement expressed by them..alhamdulillah, at last i manage to spell it and it remains with me till now.

Alhamdulillah. thank you Allah for awarding me with this meaningful words....


a plural society?
we are living together, so do respect each other...
insyaAllah everything will be fine...
learn anything from the picture?

Thursday, August 13, 2009


what make me creating my own blog?
mdm kalsom suggested that i should have one since it appears to be necessary nowadays..
..besides, i can share things with others....she is a counsellor in my university. hmmm, i'm not sure whether i can really express a thing or not.. we will look. hehe..

normally, it is easier to share with people face to face or by phone. at least we hear voice.. but,writing?? hmmm, why not.. it is interesting to actually express something and put it in the internet.. people might respond and give opinions or comments thus, i may get many and new ideas right....

the second reason is that, i actually manage to contact my aunt in the State after viewing her blog. she has her own blog. so impressive.. so, i think this is a proper time for me to actually have one..and, Alhamdulillah, i made it... hopefully it will benefit me and if possible you too. who knows yeah...

i really hope that it might give benefits to myself and others too...

pertama kali

salam alaik...
tqvm utk shah sbb berusaha membantu yong dlm membikin blog ini..moga2 Allah berkati langkah ini..
love you because of Allah..
ramadan kareem