
"Dan Dialah yang menurunkan air dari langit, lalu kami tumbuhkan dengan air itu segala macam tumbuh-tumbuhan, maka Kami keluarkan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan itu tanaman yang menghijau, Kami keluarkan dari tanaman yang menghijau itu butir yang banyak; dan dari mayang kurma, mengurai tangkai yang menjulai, dan kebun-kebun anggur, dan (Kami keluarkan pula) zaitun dan delima yang serupa dan yang tidak serupa. perhatikanlah buahnya pada waktu berbuah, dan menjadi masak. Sungguh, pada yang demikian itu ada tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang yang beriman"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

balik raya, sedihnye

Hello, yong, when your holiday starts?

Today is the last day for classes, umi. Why?

Eh, so will you come home today la?

Eh, nope. I called you last week and asked your permission to stay in the campus for some days to celebrate the last ten days of Ramadan. You said okay kan umi.

No. no. I thought your break starts on the 18th of September, next week…. Since you got early release, you should come home early. Too many works to be done la yong.

Ala…umi, I asked you since last week lagi…. You said okay… hmm, okay la. But, right now I have to complete and submit my assignment, so, maybe tomorrow la I will go home insyaAllah…

That was a portion of my conversations with my mum. Before receiving the call, I was very happy because my mum seems to really understand my ‘dream’ to focus and enrich my days with worships during the last ten days of Ramadan. To give opportunities to me for the first time I think. But, unfortunately, no. It did not happen. I was quite upset. What came to my mind was that, ‘umi doesn’t really pay attention to what I said. Supposedly, umi should take note all my suggestion and in case if there is any “objection”, umi should tell me earlier.’

Well, now, as I am typing this entry, my thought is quite reasonable and the previous inner speech is now gone. It’s because; I realize that she needed hands in doing preparation for Eid. I was the only girl available at the moment. The one to be at home and helping umi in doing all the ‘domestic businesses’. Besides, her off started on the 16th September. On the top of that, nothing had been done yet. I believe that, that was written for me. We plan but He decides.

In the future, it is suggested that in order not to miss the special ten day of Ramadan, at least 70% of the preparation of Eid should be done before Ramadan itself comes. It is important in order to make ourselves free and available to enjoy our specific worships during the month of blessings. So, before Ramadan comes, all of my siblings should balik rumah and do the preparation.

Hmmm, but, this idea might be interesting upon me myself due to the environment of Ramadan available in the IIUM. How about my other family members? I now become conscious that I have a duty to share the knowledge and educate all of them in order to have a new outlook of Ramadan. It is not for the purpose of information but to really implement the spirit into reality.

But, HOW????

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wonderful thought (^_^)